Friday, March 11, 2011

Love Endures All

My idea of love is freedom
Albert Kumirai

Love is not conditional and endures all adversity. When love is subjected to a list of conditions it is nolonger true love. When a bird tells its eggs that when you hatch please do not fly away as I need you here with me; or if the butterfly tells the pupa that when you escape the coccoon please do not flutter away into the air, I can not bear to lose you; or if the eagle were to tell its hatchling that when your wings are strong and your sight clear and your tallons sharp please do not soar because I love you and I want you here with me, then it is not love.
Love has wings to fly and a memory to come back as it wills.
Love has freedom and yet is not reckless.
Love sees all that is beautiful but still remembers all that is important.
Love knows that all is permissible but that not all is beneficial.
Love thrives on vulnerability and the knowledge that the power is in the loved to choose to take it or leave it. Love does not restrict but it gives freedom to roam in the hope and expectation that it will return.
Love knows that if the heart is afraid to break it will never truly love.
Love knows that a life spent trying to prevent the heart from breaking will never experience true love.
Indeed the only way to know whether someone will return is to let them free to go.
Otherwise how will you know if you lock them up?
The only way an eagle can see if the eaglet can soar is to let it fly. If you clip the wings of the young eagle then the crippled eagle will never be free, and feeding it and caring for it is not love but bondage.
You do not love by throwing the loved ones into a prison of your insecurities.
If the time spent worrying where she is or where he is were spent preparing for when they come back, there would be more love spread about and shared, and more joy and cheer experienced every moment of life.

Love is not given in order to get something in return.
Love is given freely and without prejudice.
Loving because he has money ends when the pocket is empty.
Love because she is beautiful ends when the beauty fades.
Loving because she is popular ends when the people disperse and you are alone together.
Beware of such lovers as they are fortune hunters looking for a shortcut to wealth or popularity.
Beware of smiles that are directed towards your wallet rather than at your heart.
Beware of calculated risks taken because you seem to be a good work in progress that will yield dividends.
Beware of the one who who loves your physical appearance or athletic abilities or your rich family.

In the movie Coming To America the prince goes to great lengths to find true love.
He wants the true attraction to come from the heart rather than from avarice and that the one true love be a person not attracted to his wealth and position but to him as a man.

Remember that love speaks for itself and needs no embellishment.
Love speaks loudest in times of adversity.
When troubles visit you, the only thing that remains in your corner is true love.
All else scurries away like rats or cockroaches in fear and selfish pride.
Love endures forever.
Love will remain by your side when all hell breaks loose.
Love says be still and trust in me.
Indeed God is love.
Be still says the Lord, and know that I am God.
I love you all.
God bless you all.

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